Soyuz-Salyut Navigation Instrument

Soviet cosmonauts used this device on their Soyuz spacecraft to supplement the ground-based navigation system. It was similar in principle to the Astronavigator. Cosmonauts determined position by adjusting the constellations on the globe to match the stars they could see. 

Soviet cosmonauts used this device on their Soyuz spacecraft to supplement the ground-based navigation system.
Type: Photograph
Image Date: 1999
Image Taken: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, United States
Credit: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution (NASM 97-16259)
Origin: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution
Creator: Eric Long
NASM 97-16259
Navigation Methods


Soviet cosmonauts used this device on their Soyuz spacecraft to supplement the ground-based navigation system.