Downloadable Learning Resources
Here are downloadable resources designed to enhance your classroom teaching of topics related to Time and Navigation...
Browse by grade level, core standards, and type.
Harry Crosby “Scrapbook
Primary sources gathered by museum curators and displayed in the form of a World War II notebook.
Air Navigation during World War II
This PowerPoint is a curated tour of the top World War II objects in the Time and Navigation exhibition.
How a World at War Changed the Tools of Air Navigation
This PowerPoint includes pre-war and wartime navigation tools labels will discuss compare and contrast.
Navigating in Space by the Stars
During the early days of space flight, engineers planned with the navigation techniques they knew. They taught astronauts to take star sightings and determine their position using celestial navigation, just as sailors and pilots did.
Scientists of the United States Exploring Expedition
From 1838 -1842, the crew United States Exploring Expedition had a number of scientists on board to study and document their discoveries. This Power Point introduces you to a few of the scientists who participated in the expedition.