Multimedia Gallery
- Navigation Methods: Dead Reckoning
Pan American Airways navigator
This illustration is the frontispiece to The Mariner’s Mirrour, one of the most famous collections of sea charts from the 16th century.
Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei competed for two longitude prizes in the 17th century.
The certification set for the first GPS receiver certified for use under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR).
Gekkos, Malaysia (Gehyra vorax, Gekko indicus,Naultinus punctatus)
Aircraft equipment interprets time signals received from a network of satellites.
The shortest distance between two points on a globe is not always a straight line—it’s an arc called a great circle.
Lead navigator of the 100th Bomb Group, Eighth Air Force.
Hōkūle`a, a Hawaiian voyaging canoe, sailing off Honolulu, 2009.
Striking green ornaments made by the Maori were created from a kind of jade.