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- Navigation Methods: Celestial Navigation
Pan American Airways navigator
This illustration is the frontispiece to The Mariner’s Mirrour, one of the most famous collections of sea charts from the 16th century.
Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei competed for two longitude prizes in the 17th century.
Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei created this device to calculate the motions of Jupiter’s moons.
In 1642, for a Dutch longitude prize, Galileo proposed both an astronomical solution and an accurate sea clock—the first clock ever to have a pendulum.
Line drawing of the prototype Gatty drift meter.
Gekkos, Malaysia (Gehyra vorax, Gekko indicus,Naultinus punctatus)
A post-war periscopic sextant often mounted this type of watch.
Harold Gatty instructs an Air Corps officer in the use of the drift indicator he invented.
Lead navigator of the 100th Bomb Group, Eighth Air Force.