Western Electric AN/APS-2E Radar Plan Position Indicator

This Navy radar scope would have been used on long-range patrol aircraft, such as the Consolidated PB4Y, late in World War II and during the early Cold War. U.S. bombers during World War II used radar for short-range navigation—under 80 kilometers (50 miles)—and for bombing through clouds and at night (but less accurately than conventional bombsights). The system was only effective in locating cities and shorelines.

This Navy radar scope would have been used on long-range patrol aircraft for navigation and target location late in World War II and during the early Cold War.
Type: Artifact
Image Date: December 14, 2012
Credit: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Origin: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Creator: Eric Long


This Navy radar scope would have been used on long-range patrol aircraft for navigation and target location late in World War II and during the early Cold War.


This Navy radar scope would have been used on long-range patrol aircraft for navigation and target location late in World War II and during the early Cold War.