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The PN-9 after "sailing" to Hawaii.
Harold Gatty designed this drift indicator in 1930 and used it on his 1931 around-the-world flight with Wiley Post in the Winnie Mae.
The Ryan NYP Spirit of St. Louis, flown by Charles Lindbergh on his 1927 Atlantic crossing, is one of the Museum’s most treasured artifacts.
From the mid-1920s to the mid-1930s, the Italian-built twin-hulled S.55 was one of the most common crossers of the Atlantic.
It reduced computations for celestial sightings through the use of the Greenwich Hour Angle.
Books published by the Weems System of Navigation.
Wiley Post extensively modified the Winnie Mae for his 1931 around-the-world flight with Harold Gatty.
Length: 43 Minutes, 51 Seconds
Weems developed this simple but effective plotter for aeronautical charts in 1935.
Charles Lindbergh used this celestial navigation equipment while under instruction by P. V. H. Weems in May 1928.